Feelings Wheel

Quick housekeeping note: if you are receiving this post to your inbox, I just want to let you know that I won’t be sending out emails for the foreseeable future because it has given me some tech issues — I realize that I never sent out an announcement about that so here it is a few weeks late! So sorry …

Avodas Perach

Much of shidduchim is avodas perach: over and over, you do things that are hard and they sink into quicksand. You think your efforts will get you somewhere, and they sink into quicksand. I honestly don’t know how anyone can live like that. And then I remember that I am living like that. I don’t understand how.

To Give Someone the World

Last week I had a conversation with a friend that I’ve had many times before, about my existential crisis: “I feel unsatisfied and that I need to be doing more…What is my purpose?” She pointed out that we’ve had this conversation on a recurrent basis every few months for about ten years and the solutions I turn to (more work, …

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