My Succah

Years ago I listened to a shiur about the ushpizin by Mrs. Shira Smiles and since then, I have felt more tangibly the specialness of sitting in the succah. The air is the air of Gan Eden. I’m excited for Succos!   When I have my own succah to decorate, here’s what I think it needs:   Posters beruchim haba’im …

Permanence (Or, Seeing Stars)

My friend was trying to borrow a succah for the upcoming Y”T (as her plans changed due to COVID) and finally declared, “I’m going to stop asking around and just buy myself a succah. I need some stability.”   I couldn’t resist. “If it’s stability you’re after, you should definitely buy a succah. Now there’s a real symbol of permanence.”   …

Things I Learned This Yom Tov Season

Yom Tov is the time for davening, divrei Torah, eating, schmoozing, catching up with friends and family, eating, reading (books over magazines, forever and always), also eating…These are a few ideas I learned or thought about over the past few weeks that I’d love to share (and all shidduchim-related in some way, but don’t worry, they’re just kind of nice, …

Simchas Torah

Two weeks ago, my Partner in Torah and I completed Sefer Bereishis with Rashi. I thought how appropriate it was to be making a siyum during the Yomim Noraim, as we approach Simchas Torah.   Throughout our learning, I was always surprised by how many new insights I could find in the text, and by how many questions I had …

Personality Typing, Again (Plus Succos)

Remember how I said that I was skeptical about the validity of personality typing? Well, Myers-Briggs changed that for me, and now I’ve discovered something new: the Enneagram. Are you familiar with it? The Enneagram is a system that examines nine personality types, and their strengths and weaknesses, growth opportunities etc. I bought a copy of The Enneagram Made Easy …

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