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Hi, everyone. Thank you for checking in. I plan to continue the series on dating optimism but this week has been super-hectic for me so I am just dashing off this quick post.


Chovos Halevavos teaches that Hashem does kindness for people even if they don’t deserve it, just because He loves them. This can be helpful to remember when we are davening for the blessings we want in our lives, or when we are having a hard time davening for said blessings. Even when we feel unworthy we can remember that Hashem gives freely all the time, regardless of our worthiness.


Recently I’ve been extremely busy with a lot of different things taking up my attention and headspace, but through the busy-ness I’ve seen the loving hand of Hashem. For example, during my egg freezing cycle, I had six early morning appointments plus the retrieval, and every single one of them was on a day I either didn’t have class or started class mid-morning. I never had to miss a minute or share what I was doing with a professor (which would have been fine if necessary but it was simpler to not have to deal with it). Also, I was super-overwhelmed before I started because I was going into the process alone and then someone connected me with a friend who was doing it the same week and she connected me with two other people who were also…It was amazing. (I’ll write more about this in the future b”n). These are just two examples but I am so grateful to Hashem for showing me that He is there for me through it all, even when I feel like I haven’t done anything to deserve it.


I hope you are having a nice summer and that no matter what is going on in your life, you feel Hashem’s love given to you freely. Have a wonderful Shabbos Nachamu!

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