I Need Your Ideas (Heartbreak-Related)

First of all, I want to let you know that I have every intention of continuing the series on mindful dating, I just haven’t gotten to it yet, but I will!


I have to write a paper about grief (again!) and basically we need to design a program that meets a need that is not being addressed in the community. I had this idea to create a support program for Orthodox Jewish singles who are dealing with relationship endings in dating. To be clear, I don’t have to be able to implement this program tomorrow but it should be at least somewhat realistic.


Here’s my general thought process (from my rough draft): The feeling of loss when a dating relationship ends is often disenfranchised, as dating in the Orthodox Jewish world is focused on marriage. Relationships tend to be brief and marriage-focused. If the relationship does not end in marriage, it is considered irrelevant and both parties are supposed to move on. Because of the intensive nature of Orthodox Jewish dating, a relationship can last a week or two and still have made a significant impact on the partners. In Orthodox Jewish dating, partners are expected to share a lot quickly and make important decisions quickly. People who decide to end a relationship might second-guess themselves and feel anxiety or regret over their decision. People who have been rejected might feel that they weren’t given enough of an opportunity to share who they are and that the relationship should have been given more of a chance. Rejections are typically handled impersonally through a third party, which may leave unanswered questions. This program would provide a space for clients to process and integrate their experiences and achieve post-traumatic growth.


So what do you think would be helpful? Brief individual counseling? An anonymous message board? Workshops over Zoom (with or without anonymous participation)? Email/text- based support? Something else?


I could really use your feedback! If you have any thoughts, please share! 


  1. RL

    Yes omg I love this idea. Can you make it real? I think individual counseling would be most helpful. Can it be free, too? Workshops over zoom might be helpful too. I really don’t see a message board working too well (or maybe it’s just me who wouldn’t want to air my emotions and pain to the whole world)

    • A Friend

      Yay, I’m so glad you like this idea! It would definitely be free, the community owes singles emotional support :-). I’m not into the message board either the more I think about it.

      Keep the suggestions coming!

      • A Friend

        Although now that I think about it, a message board could be password-protected and have limited membership. Like open for a few months and then closes for the cycle and reopens for new members. Could that work?

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