Where Do Tefillos Go?

As we know, no tefillah is ever wasted. After davening for a number of years for a yeshua that hasn’t yet come (in an obvious manner), I wrote a list of ways my tefillos and tears might have been put to use:

To keep me healthy

To keep me safe from danger

To protect my family and all the people I love and they love

For a job I’m good at and that I enjoy

For children iy”H, quickly and easily

For easy, healthy pregnancies

For healthy children

For my family and the people I love to have all these things

For an amazing husband with all the qualities I need and more

For abundant financial resources for myself and anyone who needs

To strengthen my skills and ability to have a great and happy marriage

To put me in a neighborhood and community where I fit and can thrive and contribute

To keep my children, my husband and me on the derech haTorah

For a vibrant and growing relationship with Hashem and my Yiddishkeit

To always be connected to friends and family and belong to a strong support system

For the people in my community to be healthy, protected, and blessed with all they need

To keep Jewish people safe wherever they are in the world, and particularly the people of E”Y

What would you add?

P.S. I finished my davening chart and I’m onto my second. Charts are the way to go!

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