So What Are You Doing For Purim?

Often before a Yom Tov, I wish I could make like Sleeping Beauty and wake up on the other side. This year for Purim I happen to have plans because my parents wanted to go to my sister for Shabbos and I’m joining, and I’m really grateful because I don’t know what I’d have done otherwise. So first of all I want to really empathize and recognize how mystifying (to put it mildly) yomim tovim can be.


I also wanted to share a beautiful thought a friend shared from the Pachad Yitzchok (thanks, friend 😉 ). When there are two Adars, Purim is observed in the second Adar which is closer to Pesach, in order to juxtapose Purim and Pesach. While Pesach will no longer be observed in the time of Moshiach, Purim will last forever. Pesach revealed Hashem in full view, in the light of day, and in the time of Moshiach when the light will be many times brighter, the light of Pesach will be subsumed by this greater light. However, when it comes to Purim, Hashem is not revealed to the eye, and therefore, Purim requires us to feel the presence of Hashem even when we cannot see Him. Therefore, Purim will remain as this strength will always be a part of us.


Have a freilichen Purim!


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