100 Comforting Things

Hello, all. First of all, if you are a new reader I’d like to say welcome! (Tisha B’Av was a high traffic day here, and I’m so glad you’ve found us). I’d like to take the opportunity to ask that if you find this blog to be helpful, validating, or enjoyable, please pass it along, as I am sharing in this space without using any social media platforms to spread the word. Thank you! 🙂


This week I did a feel-good brain dump of things to do that are pleasant or comforting. In honor of Shabbos Nachamu weekend, here is my list:


  1. get a haircut
  2. reread a favorite series of books
  3. get a facial
  4. do acupuncture
  5. have nostalgic Shabbos party
  6. go for a swim
  7. eat an ice cream bar
  8. get a brightly-colored pedicure
  9. sing in your car
  10. dance
  11. read a self-help book
  12. make a good meal for yourself
  13. light candles
  14. use body lotion
  15. cloud-watch
  16. go for a drive
  17. take a leisurely evening stroll
  18. read a travel book
  19. wear nice pajamas
  20. bake easy bar cookies (like these oatmeal squares)
  21. listen to an audiobook
  22. lie in the sun
  23. color with markers
  24. read a magazine
  25. get a massage
  26. shop for school supplies (love when Staples has 75 cent spiral notebooks)
  27. drink cold water
  28. drink lemon water
  29. make a one-veg salad (ex. red cabbage with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic; cherry tomatoes with olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning)
  30. go to sleep early
  31. take vitamins
  32. write a description of your dream home
  33. put your hand on your heart and breathe
  34. go outside early in the morning
  35. doodle with a pen with your eyes closed while listening to classical music
  36. do mandala drawing (draw or print out a circle and draw something inside)
  37. practice loving-kindness meditation
  38. have lunch with a friend
  39. give away clothing
  40. listen to a musical soundtrack
  41. run an errand with a friend
  42. buy stickers
  43. read a thought-provoking essay (try The Atlantic)
  44. look at an atlas
  45. listen to waltzes
  46. read book reviews
  47. build a sandcastle
  48. cook something flavorful
  49. do a yoga video
  50. do old-fashioned calisthenics
  51. sit at a firepit
  52. eat good chocolate
  53. buy flowers
  54. take a bubble bath (this stuff makes the best foamy bubbles)
  55. get a temporary tattoo (I did say this was a brain dump)
  56. Hula hoop
  57. walk across a balance beam
  58. sit on a blanket in the park
  59. listen to ocean waves at the beach
  60. wear sunscreen (I keep reading about this stuff and how it has the best smell ever)
  61. make waffles
  62. get a car wash
  63. make a list of fun goals for the year
  64. wear lipstick
  65. listen to a nature sounds soundtrack
  66. play a board game
  67. roast marshmallows
  68. make a creamy soup
  69. accept that it doesn’t matter what other people think
  70. buy a plant
  71. eat a yogurt parfait
  72. paint something
  73. roller skate
  74. write a newsletter
  75. do a 1,000 piece puzzle
  76. read a book out loud
  77. eat raw cookie dough
  78. feed the birds
  79. change your linen
  80. vacuum
  81. use binoculars
  82. go out for dessert
  83. make a leaf rubbing
  84. frost a cake
  85. watch an old movie
  86. play I Spy
  87. make ice cream
  88. mail a note
  89. boil a pot of cinnamon
  90. schedule an appointment
  91. read a poem
  92. plant flower seeds
  93. CBT worksheets
  94. make lasagna
  95. go to the library
  96. use real dishes
  97. self-compassion break
  98. make a playlist
  99. read beautiful cookbooks
  100. write a list of 100 comforting things 😉


More pleasant ideas here, here, and here! And a summer list!


Have a wonderful Shabbos!


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