The Mythic Successful Older Single

The mythic successful older single works full time (preferably with children, in a job she can do part-time one day iy”H very soon to work around her future children’s carpools), but manages to be super-involved in community projects. She gives rides for bikur cholim and does kiruv on the weekends. She puts away 90% of her salary since she is saving up for a huge down payment, while also spending money generously on herself. She travels all over the world with friends who are also single, rich, and have the exact same vacation days as her. Her relationship with Hashem is as uncomplicated and pure as the day she landed in JFK after seminary and she davens mincha every day with kavanah. No one knows why she is single because she is so amazing, but there must be something there or else she wouldn’t be single, except no one knows what it is and she is so amazing.



  1. rl

    Haha yes!! You forgot she also looks perfect every single day with nary a hair out of place and tzanua (but stylish) (but not trendy) outfits. And she never gains an ounce (after all, she doesn’t have the baby weight excuse).

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