A great strategy for mindful dating is to develop a self-care plan to implement after every date (not just the first but I’m inserting this mini-post here). To be most effective, this should be planned and ready to go in advance of the date so you have something cozy and supportive to look forward to no matter what happens. I like to buy myself a shnitzel wrap 🙂 and plug myself into my earbuds with music or a podcast. There will be time to process the good, the bad, and the confusing but first, try to help yourself be in a steady, supported place. If you need, you can even enlist the help of a friend in your plan. I remember years ago a friend invited me to her house after a date where she treated me to a cup of hot cocoa, a warm cookie, and a game of WordARound, and it was so nurturing, it has stayed with me since.
In the next post in this series, we’ll talk about processing your date (because remember, on the date you were on the date). Until then!