You Don’t Owe Them Busy

As I’m trying to prevent workaholism-creep and a repeat of last winter, I’ve been thinking about productivity culture and the pressure to be “busy.” I have to be honest. I feel a lot of internal pressure to do a lot, for multiple reasons: I’m afraid of missing out on opportunities, I have a really hard time saying no in general, …

Dimensions of Wellness

This is a helpful graphic that visually depicts wellness across eight dimensions: physical, emotional, social, existential, intellectual, environmental, vocational, and financial. In a class I took recently, we wrote about the one or two wedges of the pie that we are neglecting most right now and what we can do to nurture ourselves in those dimensions. I think this could …

Wholehearted Inventory

I took the Wholehearted Inventory on Brené Brown’s website in November 2020 and again recently. It was amazing to compare the results, which I was unexpectedly able to do, since I still had the previous results in my email. I’ve gotten a lot calmer in three years. Most of the other measures bumped up, too. Sharing if you’re curious about …

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