Purim Plan (Or, True Story)

Hi all, just dashing off something short and sweet in honor of Purim.


Because this Purim is on Friday, I know I’ll have to cut back on the shalach manos and general activity. I’m giving out challah (six months and counting! yay!) so I guess I’ll drop off the extras at a neighbor if I don’t use the whole batch. Be”H tomorrow I plan on writing down a few people I want to daven for on Purim so that doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. Then I will just sit back and relax and let Purim happen how it will happen!


I have rediscovered Tanach as an adult. Everything comes alive for me now. I just learned all about the Mishkan with my Partner in Torah and it was tangible for me in ways I never experienced, even with all the diaramos and 3D illustrations and videos they showed us in school. I know what it means that a structure was covered with gold. I can see it in a way I never did before. The same happens when I hear the Megillah. I see the dazzling richness of Achashveirosh’s six-month long celebration. My stomach turns when I think of Queen Esther in the palace. I feel the fear of the Jewish people slated for extinction. I sense how slooowly the story unfolds, as the roots of salvation trace back to details that go overlooked at the time they are happening. And I understand that this is all a true story, a very human, very real story.


And…and — of course this connects to my own life. Because I am living a very human, very real story. That is unfolding slooowly. But unfolding, it is. In all its richness, in all its detail, in all its plot twists and turns, in all its stomach-clenching moments of uncertainty, in all its fears and disappointments. Slowly. Slowly. But unfolding over time. Unspooling. Like a megillah. Megillas My Life. A true story.


For more Purim inspiration, see here and here.


Wishing you a deeply happy Purim. It’s a short day — nix the to-do list and just enjoy yourself! Be”H I will daven for my readers and I hope you will daven for me, too. Have a beautiful Y”T.

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