Today Is

Sometimes the days of our lives go by like the flow of water, each day running into the next, indistinguishable from the one before. And it’s easy to forget that each day is a gift that carries a unique identity and potential.


Rav Hutner says that the reason the lechem hapanim did not cool off throughout the week was to show us that even though we are used to things following a certain trend (i.e. energy dissipates over time), the teva is an illusion. If Hashem wants bread to stay as piping hot as it is fresh from the oven, it will. The energy will not go anywhere. Because each moment is only a moment because Hashem willed it to be, and not because it is inexorably chained to the one that came before.


When we count sefira, we become aware that each day from Pesach to Shavuos has its own blessing, meaning and potential. But the same is really true throughout the year.


Each day of wherever you happen to be in life is given to you with intention. Every day is important, perhaps for reasons you will never understand, for the growth of your soul. You are not here simply because you were here yesterday and nothing’s changed. Hashem is the Master of timing. If He thought it best for your life to change today, it would. If He thinks it best for your life to change tomorrow, it will. And if He wants it to be another eleven and a half days, or eighty-one, or two hundred and four, that’s what it will be because that is what’s best in the eyes of Hashem, Who is outside of time.
And today is precious, important, and gifted with opportunities to come closer to Hashem.
Today is a day to take stock, to spend some time with yourself, to reach out for help.
Today is a day to daven for someone else, to send a supportive text, to say a bracha with kavana.
Today is a day to believe that every day has meaning and a purpose and no day is just “filler.”
Today is also the 48th day of the Omer.
Have a meaningful kabbolas haTorah and a good Yom Tov!

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