
In a therapeutic writing class I am taking, one of the members shared that she did a Cluster of labels that were given to her from a young age. A Cluster is a writing technique also known as mind-mapping or making a brainstorming web. To create a Cluster, you write a key word or phrase in middle of the page, …

Six Word Memoirs

Have you ever tried this fun writing exercise? A six word memoir tells a story or expresses an idea in exactly six words. It’s so satisfying — the constraints really stimulate your creativity. Recently, I used this prompt in a writing group, and I’m thinking of some of my own. Here are a few:

Five Senses Portrait

Gretchen Rubin shared a writing exercise to capture a person or place, called the Five-Senses Portrait. For each of the five senses (hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, touching), you write a list of five associations to create a sensory snapshot of that person or place. I decided to write a five-senses portrait for my childhood summer spot, but once I got …

List Your Life

My new fun journaling technique is list-making. I have been finding it cathartic and a lot of fun to pick a topic and dump out whatever comes to mind. List-making is an easy entry into journaling — we know what to do. Below is a list of list-making prompts for your journal. Before you begin, a few guidelines to keep …

Alphapoem (And A Poem on Prayer)

I recently wrote an alphapoem for my current writing course and want to share the process with you. An alphapoem is similar to an acrostic in that you write a word or phrase vertically down the left side of your page and use it to write your poem. However, whereas an acrostic purposely begins each line with the next letter …

Making Peace

Recently I finished another course in my therapeutic writing training, and I found the exercises to be particularly deep and moving. For one of the exercises we had to make a list of intersections in our lives, moments when we chose to go in one direction and not another. Then we explored one of those intersections more in depth and …

Thirty Days of Soulmate Journaling

Two years ago, I wrote about a book I had read which provided journaling prompts about dating/love that were helpful and inspiring. Tonight I created a list of 30 journaling prompts for your Soulmate Journal, if you’d like to explore who you are, what you want in your life, and embrace optimism and possibility!   Before writing, take a deep …

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