Thirty Days of Soulmate Journaling

Two years ago, I wrote about a book I had read which provided journaling prompts about dating/love that were helpful and inspiring. Tonight I created a list of 30 journaling prompts for your Soulmate Journal, if you’d like to explore who you are, what you want in your life, and embrace optimism and possibility!


Before writing, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Let your pen move freely. Don’t edit or censor. Be kind to yourself. Nothing you write is silly or embarrassing.

Try to write for at least 5-10 minutes without stopping for each prompt. For prompts that are lists, number your page before you start writing.


30 days of Soulmate Journaling:

  1. Introduce yourself. 
  2. Write a list of things you love – people, places, nature, colors, objects, activities, etc.
  3. Write a list of 50 things you are grateful for in your life right now.
  4. What are your core values? (Think: the values you want to impart to your children, or that guide your decision-making in life).
  5. Make a life list (bucket list) of at least 50 items.
  6. Write about one of the items on your bucket list that makes you feel excited.
  7. What do you want more of in your life?
  8. What do you want less of?
  9. Write about a painful time you went through and the gifts that it gave you.
  10. Write about negative beliefs you have about yourself from childhood and ways you can turn them around. Write with compassion.
  11. Write about ways you can be there for yourself as an adult in which you couldn’t be as a child.
  12. Write about your doubts and fears about relationships/marriage in general or for yourself.
  13. Write about the person you are looking for. Write about what they are like and how it feels to be around them. Write and write — nothing is too grand!
  14. Write a letter to this person.
  15. Write a letter from them to you.
  16. Write a plan for your wedding, including anything special you want to incorporate.
  17. Write a playlist for your wedding.
  18. Write about your house or the place you live with this person.
  19. Write about your Shabbos table.
  20. Write about your favorite Y”T (or more than one) as a couple (ex. your Pesach seder, your sukkah, your Chanukah party).
  21. Write about family traditions you share or create.
  22. Write about date nights together.
  23. Write about celebrating your birthdays together.
  24. Write about a vacation you take together.
  25. Write about your hobbies or pastimes as a couple.
  26. Write a special menu to prepare for a special occasion.
  27. Write about your social life (hachnosas orchim, community involvement, whatever it looks like) as a couple.
  28. Write what you can do to make dating easier for you.
  29. What personal policies can you implement to help protect your mental health and personal boundaries? Make a list titled “My personal policies.”
  30. Write about “the outcome of the outcome.” How will marriage change your life? How can you bring some of that into your life now?

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