Erev Before Boker

We never quite had a chance to recap how Y”T went. It was a world ago. I was home with a lot of family (ka”H) first days, and went to my aunt second days. (I had wanted to go to my grandmother but she wasn’t home in the end. Hopefully later this year). I hope wherever you were, it was nice.


A friend sent me a shiur about Hoshana Rabba that I listened to as I got ready for second days of Y”T. One point I wanted to share that brought me comfort. Every yeshua is preceded by a time of darkness. Vayehi erev, vayehi boker. Words to return to.


Thank you to those who filled out this brief survey about topics you are interested in reading about on my blog. I was so deeply touched by the notes you included, and wish we could all meet in person. (One day!) You are awesome readers; thank you. To those looking for more interaction/comments — I say, be the change 😉 .


Here is the link to the survey if you’d like to add your comments. I’d so appreciate it.


Have a good week, all.



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