
Just a short post to share how I’m trying to contribute to the war effort, and maybe you can share your own thoughts and ideas.


Our family has divided up Tehillim (yom l’chodesh) to complete every day for the duration. We have quite a few relatives in the army (mostly grandchildren of my mother’s cousins).


I was sent a sign-up sheet Challah for Chayalim and signed up for this week. I hope they keep this up for as long as necessary.


There are some beautiful anecdotes in the comments on this post that really highlight how important each and every zechus can be. I know I have a hard time visualizing how what I do has power to protect anyone, so it was helpful to read these. I also have struggled a lot with tefillah in recent years but my cousin said, “Anything extra is valuable, even if it’s just adding a few seconds to your davening.” So good to keep in mind.


Wishing you a peaceful Shabbos 🤍.


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