Writing Prompts for a Sweet New Year

The start of a new year is an especially good time to open a notebook and start journaling. Even if writing was never your thing, just putting pen to paper and diving right in will help you access wisdom and insight and get to know yourself better. Journaling has been a tremendous game changer for me and I want everyone to know how amazing it feels to write just because, not to create any great work of literature but to deepen self-understanding and clear the clutter that holds us back from thinking and living freely.


These are some ideas for journal writing before a new year:


Year in review. Starting from the beginning of the year, write your way through the good, the challenging, the mundane, the unexpected of 5778. Include events in your life, the lives of the people around you, the wider society, the world, if you so choose. This will help you think big picture going into Rosh Hashanah, as it brings home just how much can happen in a year.


Review of the yeses and nos. What opportunities did you accept, what did you turn down, how did that change the course of your year, and knowing what you know now, would you change anything?


Gifts this year brought me. These can be pulled from the year in review or be written as their own list. What are you grateful for in 5778? Name at least 25.


Review of relationships. People who meant a lot to me this year and in what way, people who I meant a lot to and in what way, people I would like to include more in my new year and how to do that.


Perspectives, one year from now: Imagine it’s one year from now and your deepest desires and loftiest goals have been achieved. Write about where you are and what you’re doing. Include a lot of detail. Really feel it. It’s happened and you’re capturing it.


If you have any other ideas, please share!!


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